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Welcome to MirrorBrand™

The Dates (and Details)


I’m incredibly excited and honored  to be your guide in this amazing journey of (re)discovering, (re)imagining, and (re)creating  your brand - from head to footnote, top to bottom-line.

Sounds like a big deal, right?
(That’s because it is. )


I'll be posting a few initial prompts to get you Pre-Thinking through various aspects of your brand in our Private Facebook Group beginning this weekend so please be sure to join in!


Our big kickoff is scheduled for Tuesday May 16th from 3-4pm est!

I am going to be recording each session and posting the recording promptly in the FB group -  so in case you aren’t able to “attend” you can always listen in later… 

and if you are unable to attend the live q+ a,  you can always send your q’s beforehand and I’ll be sure to answer them. 


Additional notes: 

- If you DO wish to participate but will miss out on a week or two due to a vacay - don’t fret… 

1 -  I will still answer your q’s in the FB group (even if you’re playing catch up - and I’m sure the other ladies’ backs and forths will also be helpful) 

2 - The exercises + q’s each week aren’t more than about an hour’s worth of time each - so you’d be able to catch up in no time. 

3 - I’ll be hanging in the FB group through August 4th should any lingering questions pop up for those who may need to go back to catch up or refine etc. 


These are the dates for our sessions: 


Tuesday May 16th - Kickoff Call 3-4 pm est


Tuesday May 23rd - MirrorBrand Session 1 - Know Thyself

Friday May 26th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday May 30th - MirrorBrand Session 2 - Your Offerings + Customers

Friday June 2nd - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday June 6th- MirrorBrand Session 3 - Differentiation + Positioning

Friday June 9th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday June 13th- MirrorBrand Session 4 - Story

Friday June 16th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday June 20th- MirrorBrand Session 5 - Style -  Part 1 - identifying it

Friday June 16th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday June 27th- MirrorBrand Session 6 - Style  - Part 2 - applying it

Friday June 30th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday July 4th- NO SESSION THIS WEEK DUE TO THE JULY 4th American holiday week

Friday July 7th - NO SESSION THIS WEEK


Tuesday July 11th- MirrorBrand Session 7 - Spin - part 1 - ideating it

Friday July 14th - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST


Tuesday July 18th- MirrorBrand Session 8 - Spin - part 2 - applying it

Friday July 21st - Q+A Call 3-4pm EST





MirrorBrand includes...



Self Inquiry

Who are you? No really. When was the last time you really took stock of who you are. When's the last time you really took the time to reassess and realign with your vision?

Get ready to dive deep, rework what no longer fits. Gain a new understanding of how you're perceived so you can shape that perception and perfect it. 




Brains before Beauty.  Because it doesn’t just matter what YOU think of your brand - it matters what THEY think of it…. which means you need a smart strategy to order to turn heads and take names (read: waitlists).  This  is designed to create a strategic foundation for your brand. One that, like a great bra will help to lift and separate you from your competition, support your brand, boost your business, and bolster your bottom line.




Your story is yours - and yours only.

It's what has the power to connect with your customers. It opens hearts - and wallets. It has the power to explain what you do in a memorable way. It provides your customers with context as to how and why you do that-thing-you-do. It even has the power to sell on your behalf - and is the makings of the kind of BUZZ that turns heads and takes names (read: waitlists).

Let's craft yours - and ensure it's one that's worth re-telling.




Your style is the unique way you communicate to the world. It's your personality- and how that comes through across your design aesthetic, your photography, your message and voice, and it's even what you wear. It all needs to align. It all needs to communicate.

Learn to communicate - visually, verbally, viscerally a way that sells (AND sounds like you.)

Create buzz - Simply by amplifying various parts of your personality.

Since you're also the FACE of your brand - it's ALSO how you style yourself - in photos, and in person.




Find your Brand's Unique Hook - That totally unique "filter" that can clarify each decision you make for your brand - from the visuals to your message, to the way you tell your story. You'll never again have to ask yourself "is this on brand?"

*THIS is something I guarantee you you've never done before.*



After we wrap (should you wish to hang out a little longer) we'll also talk about implementation, and I'll open up my rolodex of specialists to help you find the perfect fit to help you bring your new brand to life. 






if you're into sexy sales language - here's some additional info to whet your appetite

Your Brand is a reflection of you.



It's a struggle in-and-of-itself to stand out in a crowded market –  but to try to decipher how to best do that on your own is next-to-impossible. You're simply too close to your own business to even know where to begin...  

How can you show up - authentically - and yet amplify what makes you unique to make your distinction seen, heard, and understood?

How do you stand out in a way that only you can?

How can you market yourself in a clear and cohesive way without over thinking every.single.decision lest you send mixed watered down messages in the process?

How do you stop throwing money at new websites, new logos, and new copy thinking that by reworking it -  somehow it will suddenly (and magically) boost your business?

How can you instead make sure that those investments are based on a solid brand foundation?



Relied on a DIY brand to date — and it’s worked OK - but not great. 

Feel like your brand has been pieced together, but something’s been lost in translation...

Or maybe you've invested in professionals in the past — only to be left feeling frustrated that it never quite felt like “you.”


And that’s normal. Everyone starts somewhere - 

But the difference between the brand that only starts small and the brand that stays small is the willingness to do the work. To go deep. And  to understand the value of building a solid foundation for your business through and with your brand.





All the “accessories” of your brand — your colors, your logo, your images, etc. — become so much easier to choose and implement.

You will be able to grow and know that your team will be able to represent your brand accurately and confidently.

And you will finally feel confident that you can articulate your true value and purpose and do your very best work.


Only when you take the time to reflect on who you really are to create this strong brand foundation for your business, can you then generate the confidence, quality, and cache/cash to uplevel your business.



Fact: You can’t outsource your brand...and you can’t steer the ship without a compass.  

Until you get this figured out, you cannot become the CEO, the thought leader, the creator you want to be.


Every single client who works with me eventually says to me,

“I’m too close to my business to feel like I can objectively identify my brand.”


That’s where MirrorBrand™ comes in - to help to reflect the real "you" back to you, so that you can see it,  describe it, and start to create your incredibly unique-to-you brand around it.

This work is nearly impossible to do without that kind of reflection. I don’t care if you have a three-figure business or a seven-figure business -  everyone needs to go this deep.  


MirrorBrand™ is the result of more than 15+ years of branding experience helping businesses big and small discover their unique distinctions that help them stand out from the blandscape.

This is the very same framework that I have developed for my private clients - and has been pivotal for their brand development.  

Clients like: 



But I get it - that’s easier said than done -

And I know that.

I’ve experienced that myself - and that’s in fact WHY I do what I do.

Because what I’ve found is that when you are the face of your brand it can be hard to effectively SEE, much less articulate who you are and what makes you unique.

It takes a special mirror  –  a unique deep-diving-process - 

To reflect back the most distinctive parts of who you are -

To capture and convey what makes you extraordinary.

in a language only you can...


    MirrorBrand™ is about diving deep beneath the surface and uncovering those elements that make you inherently Distinctive. Exciting. Undeniably -  YOU.


    And packaging them together in a way that:

    Captures your essence.
    Tells your story (in a way that's worth retelling)

    And communicates - unequivocally, who you are, what you do best, and why you're so distinctive in a way that engages and captivates + attracts your audience...




    In a way that you - and only you can...


    The bottomline

    Application only
    10 women.
    Lots of hands-on support

    Your investment -
    $850, a willingness to truly roll up your sleeves to work on (re)developing your brand (and business), and a willingness to provide me with honest feedback to help me perfect this program. 

     "...I felt like I had lost my identity and didn't know how to show up in my home, in my own eyes, and in the online business and marketing world. I trusted Sarah's genius process and opened up.  Not only was I able to uniquely package myself and my business in a way that speaks to my market in a compelling way but The results were life-changing. No exaggeration.  Since working through this process with Sarah, my business has blown up.  

    Seriously, I've had more clients than I can handle, because the new brand that she helped me develop has attracted EXACTLY the right kind of people... and lots of them.  I have barely been able to keep up! When I ask them what attracted them to me -they all say that it was my branding that drew them in... "



    Not quite ready this go-round? 

    Hop on the list to be the first to know about updates on MirrorBrand™