The Ritual Reset
This is
The Ritual Reset
An Intimate, Seasonal Half-Day Virtual Retreat
Reconnect to yourself and your inner wisdom…
Recalibrate your inner compass…
and to
Release the stuck, the stagnant, the superfluous and the stuff that no longer serves…
Creating s p a c e for the new to come through and for more of YOU to emerge…
Consider it to bE:
Like a deep cleanse for your soul – a deep reset designed to clear out the energetic clutter that can keep us from operating at our best - personally and professionally…
Whether you’re preparing to create or step into something new…
or are
Finding yourself feeling a bit scattered, unfocused or restless…
or are
Simply wanting to reconnect with yourself and your intuition in a deeper more meaningful way…
The Ritual Reset will leave you feeling calmer, lighter, brighter and inspired…
Powerful Breakthroughs
Unexpected (and much-needed) emotional release
Trajectory shifting insights and perspective shifts
A reignited spark, a renewed sense of lightness and well-being
Energizing Creative Downloads
Healing around an uncomfortable experience
Guidance + Clarity
… And all of this was accessed or generated from within…
The NEXT Ritual Reset Is:
Sunday, September 17th
2:00 - 6:00 pm EST
This POWERFUL half-day virtual retreat will inCORPORATE:
–– Self-reflection work that will guide you through identifying tangible areas of your inner and outer experience that may be creating clutter and standing in the way of our overall sense of wellbeing.
–– An immersive guided visualization that will guide you to reconnect with your innermost self to illuminate what might be ready to be released and to receive guidance around what might be ready to emerge or be expressed in this new season…
–– Energy work and practices that you can repeat on your own - designed to clear away stuck, stagnant energy and trapped emotions…
–– A full Transformative Breathwork Journey that can help you release stuck and stagnant energetic and emotional debris and to rapidly connect you to your intuition - so that you can receive powerful insights and inspiration from within to guide your next steps…
–– Post-Reset recommendations, tools and practices to help you deepen and integrate your experience as well as to maintain your new sense of inner balance.
in her words
“It’s amazing how much shifted for me...”
“I came into the Ritual Reset not knowing what to expect and left feeling as though I have released 5+ years of grief that I’ve been holding onto in my body.
On a physical level, I have held a lot of trauma in my throat for many years. During the Reset I felt something clear - and now, several weeks later I have actually noticed the tightness, tension and inflammation around my throat massively decreased - my voice quite literally sounds different now (in a good way). I sound more like myself and have noticed that I can speak with greater ease.
I have also noticed myself speaking up and expressing myself more openly which has helped me in all areas of my life and business.
I would highly recommend The Ritual Reset - it’s amazing how much shifted for me as a result.”
Sathana Selvam | Hypnotherapist + Life Coach
New to Breathwork?
Read more here to get up to speed on the magic and the mechanics -
(and no – this isn’t just deep breathing - it’s a powerful portal to transformation)
There are many different styles of breathwork out there - however, the Breathwork that I teach uses an active, rhythmic three-part breathing pattern that is sustained over a period of 45-60 minutes that allows you to bypass the thinking-mind to rapidly enter into a deeply meditative state of awareness.
When in this state, we can:
Drop into the body to clear out stuck, stagnant energy and unprocessed emotions that may be holding you back from operating at your best.
Help to reset/regulate the nervous system.
Access and amplify your inner wisdom to receive profound clarity, insights, guidance and inspiration.
Experience a profound release of stress and anxiety.
To me (and many of my clients) Breathwork is THE single most powerful practice that I turn to when I find myself feeling stressed, anxious, scattered or restless, and delivers the quickest, most noticeable relief.
I have also found it to be the most direct way that I know of to really turn up the volume on my intuition to receive unfiltered clarity, guidance and even creative ideas. -
Because Breathwork can allow for intense emotional and physical release, it is not advised to do Breathwork if you have a history of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, aneurysms, osteoporosis, or recent surgery or physical injury.
Additionally, Breathwork is not advised for people with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or someone with a history of panic attacks.
People with asthma should bring their inhaler.
If you have any concerns, please consult with your doctor first.
Ready to Reset?
Sunday, September 17th
2:00 - 6:00 pm EDT
via Zoom
(Note: Live participation is highly recommended but a recording will be made available to those unable to attend live)