Onliest Kind® 2


A flower blooms… when it’s ready

It’s time to show up, specialize and stand out in a way that only you can.

Plant terminology:
Weed out


Plant new seeds of possibility

Sustainable growth



No longer having to water self down

There’s something incredibly unique about you and the way you approach/do that thing-you-do. Extraordinary even. And deep down, you know this – but you just can’t quite seem to see it with any meaningful clarity… let alone leverage and lead with it.

And listen, there’s no question that you’re damned good at that-thing-you do. You’ve established quite a good reputation… Amassed quite a bit of a following…

And while you aren’t exactly struggling for new clientele…

You are struggling a bit with connecting with the work that you’re currently doing - in the way that you perhaps were once able to.

And while you don’t exactly want to burn it all down and start all over again (afterall, you’ve worked quite hard to build what you have), you do have this nagging feeling that you’re meant for more: to DO more… to BE more…

But determining what that “MORE” actually is?

It escapes you…

Feels like trying to see a magic eye painting/

Feels like trying to solve a rubiks cube (which let’s be honest - you haven’t ever been able to do). (I think this is suzi)

And the more you look “out there” for “inspiration” - the harder it seemingly becomes to pinpoint it.

And you feel… tired…

Because while you know that you’re damned good at what you do - this sick sinking feeling sets in whenever you look around to see just how many others there are out there who do-that-same-thing-you do these days.

You know it’s time to finally figure this shit out -

And while you do want to stand out as the one and only, you don’t want to do this alone.

The Main Points I need to make (and what Onliest Kind does / solves)

PERFECT for Multi-passionate Multi-potentialites. Renaissance business.

1- Your business isn’t completely in alignment with who you’ve become. You’ve outgrown it - parts of it at least. OR you’ve integrated so many different things over the years that there is no common thread. Either way, something feels “off” and you can’t put your finger on what that is exactly. May feel a bit stuck, stagnant, scattered, bored, burned out, resentful. (not operating in zone of genius) . Your work has deepened.

2 - The online space is CRAZY NOISY. Not like the digital dinosaur days. You really have to niche down / differentiate in order to stand out - not about being different for different’s sake- but rather, it’s about doubling down on what makes you inherently unique - leaning into that and leveraging that. (stand out from one of many to the one and onliest kind.)

3- Ready to make a difference with what makes you different. (Craving deeper, more meaningful impact in work) - perhaps leaving a legacy. connecting with purpose.

4 - Identifying what your unique brilliance / zone of genius is and creating your own unique expertise - and methodology. Blaze a new trail. Innovate a new way of being and doing things. Congruence.

5- Allows you to show up and serve in a way that only you can. Invites more ease and flow.

6- From burned out to lit up.

7- No cohesion/ throughline running through your body of work and you fear that you may be coming across as a jackie of all trades (multi-potentialite)

8 - Too close to self to see own magic (inside bottle can’t read label).

9 - Have focused too much on marketing your SKILLSET vs your MAGIC - or the DELIVERABLES vs the special sauce/ unique perspective that you bring to the equation/ experience / transformation.

10 - The more of you that you can bring forward in / weave into your work - the more sustainable success you will find. Will make your work more meaningful for you and more impactful for others - they’re going to sense and pick up on this.

Not sure what to focus their business on / around.

Not entirely clear on what it actually IS that makes you and that-thing-you-do unique. You know there’s SOMETHING but you can’t see it clearly enough to be able to leverage + lead with it.

ALSO - very important - this is DEEP work. Gotta be willing to get your hands dirty.

If you want sustainable growth (rather than just short-term/ surface-level success, you gotta be willing to go to the root of who you are and what you’re all about.

YOU are your own niche.

Package + showcase/ present what makes you + your work unique.

What we’ll cover: (over the course of 12 weeks)

  • MINING (for gold): You’ll begin (even before we officially start) by collecting and culling your “raw materials”: your unique blend of strengths, skills, passions, experiences, aspirations, values to begin to identify your unique expertise. These will be the puzzle pieces and parts that we’ll be pulling from throughout our time together (and beyond) .

  • YOUR MAGIC: Identify (and name) your Magic. Your superpower. That special je ne sais quoi that only you can bring to your work and to the world. In order to begin to define the unique value that only you can bring- your UVP - Identity what makes you inherently unique.

  • YOUR MEDICINE: You are/offer the antidote to someone’s problem. What is the unique problem you solve - and the solution you offer?

  • YOUR MISSION: You are here. Not just on this page but in this lifetime. Let’s find out why. Dive deep into your work to unearth your life’s work… your creative calling. Your north star / why. Rooted in meaning and what matters most to you. Put it into words that can serve as your north star. This creates a lot of clarity and conviction - it’s also pretty healing because you can begin to see how some of your challenges became your purpose.

  • YOUR MARKET: We’ll reassess and refine (potentially redefine) your target market –  the people you’re uniquely suited to serve - and who need what you have to offer most. Also determine how to position you uniquely in your space so that you stand out as the one and only. Carve your own niche. Whitespace. Identify a very real, relevant need in the market. Who can you relate to most? Often a past version of you.

  • YOUR METHOD: Find your big idea, the throughline that runs through your body of work to create cohesion. Allows you to leverage your unique blend of brilliance. Combine (and Substantiate) your unique mix of modalities, variety of skills, passions, etc and unify them into a unique-to-you approach / framework/ methodology or process. and expertise that you can market. Can remaster / refine your core offering. Becomes your IP. Map out your method.

  • YOUR MESSAGE: What is the message that you’re ready to share? The message that will connect with your ideal clients - letting you know you’re “the one.” The key message that expresses your unique value, your distinction, encompasses your unique point of view, and serves as the conversation you can have with your ideal clients.

  • YOUR MARKETING Onesheet: You’ll then construct + refine your Marketing Onesheet -your go-to in order to talk about what you offer / the value of that / the dna of your work

    - Refined elevator pitch / IG bio
    - Articulate UVP (Positioning) - “Onliest” Statement

  • - The BIG IDEA behind your work (Method)

    • Who are your ideal clients? Who is your method for and who is it NOT for?

    • For your Method/approach/framework / journey / Transformation:
      - Articulate problem you solve. solution you offer.
      - Benefits
      - Features
      - Differentiators
      - Mission Statement

      • When you do this you automatically stand out as the onliest kind.

        Carve out / Create a Category of one.

Who is this NOT for:

  • People who aren’t willing to go deep, self-reflect.

  • People who are afraid of exploring their feelings / past / getting a little touchy-feely.

  • People who haven’t done any inner work.

  • People who want a magic bullet.

  • People who aren’t willing to try new things / fearful of change

  • People who aren’t action-takers. This will not work for you if you don’t implement what you come up with.

  • People who are brand new to business (ideally you’ve been at it for a while OR your business is an extension of what you have done in other iterations of your career)