

You are one in a million – but you’re also one OF a million... 
of others who do that-very-same-thing you-do.   

But standing out from the sea-of-similar doesn’t have to be difficult. 


(My process helps to show how to do just that)


Your Brand is a Reflection of You.

But sometimes you’re just too close to see it accurately.

It's a struggle in-and-of-itself to stand out in a crowded market but to *attempt* to decipher how to best do that on your own is next-to-impossible.

You're simply too close to your own business to even know where to begin...or how to be objective.  

How can you show up - authentically - and yet amplify what makes you unique -  to make your distinction seen, heard, and understood?

How do you stand out in a way that only you can?

How can you market yourself in a clear + cohesive way without over thinking every.single.damn.decision lest you send mixed, watered down messages in the process?

How do you stop throwing money at websites, new logos, and new copy thinking that by reworking it -  somehow it will suddenly (and magically) boost your business and instead make sure that those investments are based on a solid brand foundation?