Brand Breakthrough
Because when you get crystal* clear on who you are, what your customers want, and how to give it to them in a way that no one else can, your brand goes from invisible to invincible.
*waterford for the record
If you feel like your something is off with what you're putting out into the world - but you just can't seem to put your finger on what it is - or if you quite simply feel that your brand has lost its way...
If you need help articulating who you are and the unique value you bring to the table so you can show up, show off, and show the world your undeniable genius (without sending watered-down or mixed messages)...
If you need help figuring out what makes you - as a person and a business different than all those others who do-that-very-same-thing-you-do...
Let's roll up our sleeves to find the pulse of who you truly are and what makes you completely unique - and then figure out how to communicate your distinction to the world in a way that only you can -
visually, verbally, viscerally.
This full-day 1x1 business + brand deep-dive and strategy intensive is designed to give you a much-needed (expert) outside perspective, a massive dose of clarity, a renewed self-awareness + confidence, and a clear way to communicate that to the world.
Together, we'll cohesively connect the dots between who you are, your story, what you do or sell, and what makes you—
as a person, a business + brand — distinctively different.
This intensive experience culminates a CLEAR understanding of who you are as a brand - articulating what makes you unique and clarifying your unique ability to make an impact. This brings new direction, (re)alignment, a renewed excitement, and newfound confidence in your business and how you're putting yourself out there.
A deep dive into the core of who you are. What makes you unique, memorable, endlessly compelling.
Unearthing who you really are
You have to know who you are as well as how you’re perceived by others before you can influence and shape that perception.
Because afterall, if YOU don't know what your brand is -
how will they (aka your ideal customers)?
Before style comes strategy.
Before beauty comes branding.
Before creativity comes clarity.
You are one in a million – but you’re also one OF a million...
of others who do that-very-same-thing you-do.
But standing out from the sea-of-same doesn’t have to be difficult.
Because as the face of your brand - you already possess an incredibly unique set of experiences , strengths, passions and qualities that when combined - give you an automatic competitive advantage - one that has the power to turn heads - and take names (read: waitlists).
When you intentionally and strategically shape your brand (and business) around who you truly are and what makes you inherently unique – you create a brand foundation that’s built to support your business for the longhaul as well as to help you stand out – and stay out.
When you're the face of your brand, it's next-to-impossible to determine this on your own. You're just too close to your business to be able to see yourself with any degree of objectivity. You're quite simply unable to SEE what has the ability to make you endlessly compelling to your ideal customers. It can be difficult to step outside of our self-perceptions and take a critical look at ourselves - and yet that self-awareness is essential to your success.
You need a mirror to reflect back what has the ability to maximize your impact and makes you unforgettable to your ideal customers.
I'll be that mirror.
Together, we’ll take a holistic look at your business, brand, personality, talents, presence, products, services, offerings, processes and positioning and strategize areas for reinvention, innovation, transformation.
The pursuit of your perfect brand begins here- where just ONE DAY CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING
Stop LOOKING for your brand - instead, start SEEING it.
Within this unique collaborative brand consulting process, we work together to uncover the core elements of your business and brand that’ll elevate you head, shoulders, knees + toes above your competitors.
We start by collectively rolling up our sleeves and digging in deep, collecting and sorting through each of the seemingly-disparate puzzle pieces of your business and brand.
It's all about getting to know you, your business, your customers, the products + services you’re putting out into the world - and of course the market that you’re selling in.
Part 01
The Mirror
Upon booking your Breakthrough, I'll send you a copy of the covetable The Mirror
A no-holds-barred compendium designed to extract the tiniest and most crucial details from you - and to help you to effectively SEE yourself from a 10k foot view.
This (not-so-little) beauty has been instrumental in my ability to devise the ultimate combination of strategy and style while holding true to your vision. It is the brainchild of years being the go-to force behind some of the world’s most sought after brands and personalities. Most importantly - it will also give us the critical insight needed to determine what makes you and what you do unlike any other.
The Mirror will delve deep into the depths of you, your business, and brand designed to not only get you and I on the same page(s) going into our Breakthrough sessions but most importantly it will facilitate some serious pre-thinking and/or re-thinking on your end before we even dig into our hands-on work together...
This will get me filled in on all of the nitty gritty surrounding you, your business, and your brand upfront - so that when we dive in we’ll be up on all of your specifics.
Part 02
Full Day Intensive - The Breakthrough Sessions
Session 1 - The Deep Dive (1.5 hours)
We’ll meet over coffee via Zoom conference - We'll dig deep - discussing + dissecting your brand, piece by piece.
What's your vision? Your story? How are you currently perceived? Where is your brand currently breaking down and/or not communicating? Where are you missing the mark? Are there any blind spots hiding? Don't worry - we’ll find them.
Session 2 - The Breakthrough Session (1.5 hours)
After a brief 30 minute break, We'll then roll up our sleeves and work to cohesively connect the dots between who you are, your story, what you do or sell - all to identify and articulate what makes you—as a brand—distinctively different.
We’ll then zero in on your ideal customers, observing your competitive landscape, and identifying ways to further set yourself apart and make your unique value and distinction clearer to your ideal customers.
In other words, we'll be focused on positioning you strategically in your market while zeroing in what makes YOU unforgettable - and how to make that clear in the eyes of those who matter most - your customers.
Session 3 - The Brainstorm Session (1.5 hours)
After an leisurely 1 hour break to collect our thoughts and gear up for the next phase, we'll meet to brainstorm and strategize how to make "the new you" show up (and show off) in a new way.
Together we'll collect + consider your:
Point of View
People (aka your customers)
Products / Services
Proposition (AKA UVP)
(AKA your style - how you communicate visually, verbally, and viscerally)
All to determine how to best position you in your market so that you don't just stand out - you STAY out.
the deliverable
The Brand Strategy Brief
I know how hard it can be to brand yourself - I even struggled with this. You quite simply lack the objectivity and perspective. In fact? It's an awful lot like trying to cut your own hair.
What I found?
Because "branding" for big brands is different than branding people. The same strategies don't exactly apply.
You have a story, passions, strengths, unique insights, an inherent style and voice.
It's not a matter of engineering it - instead, it's a matter of uncovering it, curating it, cultivating it.
Here, we strip everything down and get to the core of what elevates you from all of the others out there who do-that-same-thing-you-do.
We’ll take a holistic look at your business, brand, personality, talents, presence, products, services, offerings, processes and positioning and strategize areas for reinvention, innovation, transformation.
1 half day VIP session
Followed up with Brand Straegy Brief
Review Call
Walk away with:
+ Stand out in an (over)crowded market.
+ To be able to clearly define your own brand (because if you don’t know what it is – how will they?)
+ To be able to get into your customer’s heads (so that you can also get into their wallets.)
The Deliverable
Gear up for your beautiful & bold Brand Strategy Brief, where we outline our findings and identify the areas that may need further attention (be that deep work or a simple polish).
It’s your roadmap to success, marking where you are now, where you’re headed, and which steps you need to prioritize to get started.
+ Clearly captures and explains your brand’s big idea
+ Clearly articulate your brand's competitive position in a way that makes sense to you and your ideal customers
+ Add depth to your brand position by making sure it’s in line with your business strategies.
+ Clarify your brand's message.
+ Help you save time by giving you all the knowhow to keep the wheels moving.
+ Gives you the clear connection between who your business is, and why your customers should care about it.
Never again wonder what’s the “right decision” for your business.
This is business acumen at your fingertips.
zero in on your authentic tastes
Privé is not for everyone.
Because I have limited availability and because this work is so intensive, I have to ensure we're the right fit. And that's mutual - because I want to be sure that we can get you the best results possible from our work together.
You have to be willing to go deep.
+ You’re comfortable getting a little uncomfortable
+ You’re willing to roll up your sleeves and work it.
+ You have resources to invest in your business.